Closing a two-week Retreat with twenty (20) young christian people from all parishes of the Diocese of Cyangugu studying in universities, Father Bartek, Representative the polish catholic delegation from “Oasis” christian movement, has urged youth to bear witness to christian faith in order to grow up towards a mature humanity and a mature christian life. The spiritual retreat, held from August 16 up to August 29, 2018 at the “Centre Diocésain de Pastorale Incuti”, aimed at helping the diocesan youth to learn from the experience of “OASIS” the way of to spread to others their experience of faith.
The retreat was marked by different spiritual exercises such prayer, adoration, recitation of the Rosary, meditation of the Word of God, fasting and mutual testimonies
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. Different training sessions and games also helped the participants to learn much more about the methodology of the New Evangelisation, as far as the reawaken of faith within young people is concerned.
At the end of the retreat, the participants went out with the commitment to work to become for their fellows like the source of light and life, such as water of life outpouring from an “OASIS” in the desert.