The youth saving and credits groups of Nyabitimbo are them who were visited by Caritas messengers this Thursday 11th Feb 2020, they went there to see their progress and deliver the materials that will help them in their daily activities.

The materials include: bank books, calculators, boxes and other basic materials were given to each group that attended this activity. Those books will help them to record each and every transaction that will be made in order to avoid errors, boxes is for keeping the deposited money before they took it to bank.

In her words Théodette the coordinator of these groups thanked the members of every group and urges them to use loans to expand their activities; she advised them to create small projects that will help them to improve their life standard. She promises them that Caritas will be there for them and for that she informed them that they will soon get financial help which will help them to strengthen their groups, she reminded them to be focused and sincere in order to achieve great things in life.

Apart from these saving groups, Caritas gave away sewing machines to the persons that have been taught tailoring by Caritas
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Youth saving and credits groups were initiated by Caritas Cyangugu in cooperation with Secours Catholique/Caritas France and it is now working in all Cyangugu parishes. Its aim is to help youth to progress through making savings and asking for credits.
By Fabrice Kazuba